В апреле 2018 года студент
Ильящук Григорий, ЭГС-16 участвовал в межрегиональной научно-практической
конференции «Реальная практика среднего профессионального образования
республики Хакасия: открытый опыт». Секция «От теории к практике. Опыт
реализации проектной и исследовательской деятельности» – диплом за 2 место в
конкурсе электронных плакатов по профессии «Сварщик».
My future profession is welder.
By Gregory Iilyaschuk from
Chernogorsk mining and building technical school
So since the beginning of the 9th
form I’ve been thinking about my future profession. I’ve talked a lot with my
older friends, some adults an of course with my family. My final decision was
to become a welder! There
are plenty of routes you can take. As for me I get knowledge about my future
profession at Chernogorsk mining and building technical school.
There are many levels you can take with a career
in welding. They are welder, welding machine operator, welding technician,
testing laboratory technician, welding supervisor, welding instructor, and welding
engineer. My goal is to get a degree of welding engineer.
It seems to me this profession has a lot of opportunities. Anything made
of metal, no matter how big or small, can be welded. Examples are everywhere,
from vehicles like cars, trucks and motorcycles to ships, bridges, aircrafts,
reinforced constructions, natural-gas pipelines, rockets and space ships.
Welding is even used by artists to create sculptures and decorative items.
Every time I find out and learn something new. The education is never end. Every
day I can do something different. Each day is not the same as other.
I’ll learn about the different types of welding, like Gas Tungsten Arc
Welding (GTAW), Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW). Rich hand-on experience with a
good instructor is important to convince you welding.
I think every welder should keep up
with math and science. Stay on top of the hottest trends, innovations and news
in the materials joining industry. The more you know how to do in welding, the
more you are worth to an employer.
In conclusion I must say if you’ve
chosen welding career you should love what you're doing, because it has a lot of opportunities like structural, pipe,
aircraft and even underwater welding! It’s very exiting and interesting!
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